Market Research: Because why matters

Market research has experienced many changes in the last few years. ESOMAR President Niels Schillewaert, co-founder of InSites Consulting, talks about the difference between biased data and right data and why the core focus should be on people first.

MARKENARTIKEL: The research discipline is changing   faster than ever before. What are the major challenges market research is facing today?
Niels Schillewaert: The key challenges in market research can be categorised under the label relevance. Firstly, trust in many business related professions is very low nowadays. According to the worldwide ranking 'Trust in Professions' by GfK Verein, market researchers are perceived as less trustworthy than taxi drivers, salesmen or bankers. With low public trust comes a low willingness to participate in research. Much of this is our own fault. For too long we have been using long, boring surveys that people do not want to fill out. In addition, DIY-researchers often ask questions in the wrong way which creates inaccurate and biased data.  Many of todays studies would fail the test of service design thinking.

MARKENARTIKEL: So the way reasearch is done is not up to date anymore?
Schillewaert: Not always... Both client-side and agency researchers need to adapt methods without neglecting fundamentals. A big area we fall short in is the delivery of market research. It is very often in the form of long extensive reports, with complex charts and statistics. Yet, many studies have a short shelf life, remain under-used and do not always lead to a change in decision making. With so much other information now available online, many brand owners now think they can find everything themselves and thus believe they no longer need research or insights professionals. Finally the brand positioning of research is now wrong.

Das vollständige Interview über die Zusammenarbeit von Marktforschern und ihren Kunden sowie weitere spannende Beiträge zum Schwerpunktthema Marktforschung finden MARKENARTIKEL-Abonnenten in Ausgabe 6/2017, die auch als App gelesen werden kann. Weitere Informationen zum Inhalt finden Sie hier. Nicht Abonnenten finden hier die Möglichkeit zum Abo.


vg 14.06.2017